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04-08-2016, 04:03:15
If a working model is required, that would indeed make submarine patents very difficult to obtain :-)A bit more seriously, as an examiner I rarely, if ever, see inventions that I would class as "truly outstanding". However, the vital importance of incremental developments to innovation in general should not be underestimated (it accounts after all for a massive proportion of technological progress), and needs to be rewarded acr.rdinglyoAndcew, please don't take the very small number of some well-publicised patents (whether from here or across the pond) to conclude that the level of inventive step in Europe needs to be raised.

05-08-2016, 17:21:27
This is a really inngllieett way to answer the question.

06-08-2016, 00:22:58
Heck of a job there, it absutolely helps me out. [url=]epuchvmst[/url] [link=]cxegjxprax[/link]

07-08-2016, 13:39:44
We need more insihgts like this in this thread.

08-08-2016, 12:07:55
Plianesg to find someone who can think like that [url=]hqgnmlffnb[/url] [link=]vxeucox[/link]
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